1 person project developed, designed and modelled in 6 days from scratch


Two elves from Santa's workshop were chosen for a special mission: to retrieve Santa's anvil from a charity organization in Austria. This organization, a friend of Santa, had borrowed the anvil for a noble cause. To accomplish their task, the elves used Santa's secondary, electric-powered sleigh.

During their return journey, their sleigh began shaking. A villain who managed interrupt the sleighs system. He also send a message through the sleigh's display. Despite some audio distortion, the message was clear: "Surrender the Anvil now, my minions are on their way to retrieve it."

Unexpectedly, the electric sleigh malfunctioned and crashed into a forest. Isolated and unable to contact Santa, the elves faced the daunting task of defending themselves against the villain's minions. Their only advantage was Santa's magical anvil, essential for crafting turrets to defend themselves.

Gameplay Details:

  • 3D First Person Game
  • Currency: "Christmas Spirit," obtained by defeating enemies.
  • The only available turret: A Snowball Cannon.
  • Map: Procedurally generated in four quadrants using Perlin Noise.
  • Obstacles: Trees randomly placed, preventing turret construction and blocking bullet paths. Future updates may enhance this feature.
  • Anvil Health: Restores after each wave, either upon completion or failure.
  • The only enemy type: Mischievous Elves.
  • Anvil's Significance: The anvil is vital for Santa to craft Christmas presents. Losing it to the villain could spell disaster for Christmas.

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